
the real comeback...

cam best jer aku nengok other ppl's weblog... ni yg buat aku nak sambung balik bidang blogging ni.. yep, now that i have my own streamyx at home so blogging will gonna be my second career (ceh! yo yo orr)
i'm too tied up nowadays.. other than i worked long hours at the office (coz i just got promoted, kenala tunjuk bagus.. lead by example k?), i'm also busy helping my BIL for his wedding this May. so this is what i've been concentrating on especially during weekend, on top of tolong prepare door gift and segala mak nenek utk his wedding.. (and yes, at my own cost coz i feel guilty my in laws semua dah tau i baru naik pangkat.. takpela, they all pun byk tolong jaga faris.. )

(hampes tull.. 10 kali try upload gambar tak dpt!)

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